About the Amazon Marketing Report
The Amazon Marketing report is a 50 pages printable PDF report meant for reading on a screen. It is written by Anders Hjorth and Dan Saunders on the basis of in-depth research of the state of marketing on Amazon. The report can be bought online by companies on the Innovell website. The research for the report was carried out at three different levels:
- desktop/documentation search
- expert interviews
- online survey of leading teams in the field
The experts we interviewed came from a wide horizon and provided a very broad insight into where marketing on Amazon is going. Some were from an agency environment; some were technology providers and some represented merchants. They all had hands-on experience of how the platform works.
The experts were instrumental in pointing us to advanced teams to include in the online survey. It was an in-depth questionnaire composed of 64 questions. More information about the surveyed team will be published soon.
Experts interviewed
Below you will find introductions to the experts we interviewed as well as extracts from the report, mainly around the theme of “who is winning on Amazon“. We have greatly appreciated working with these experts who willingly shared their insights and knowledge.
Nils Zündorf, factor-a
Nils Zündorf is the managing director of factor-a a technology provider and an agency managing the presence of both Sellers and Vendors on Amazon around the world. He lives and breathes Amazon and is a renowned specialist of the advertising platform.
We asked Nils, who he thought was winning on Amazon?
Megan Harbold, Kenshoo
Megan Harbold is the VP of Strategic Consulting in Ecommerce at Kenshoo, another technology provider for the Amazon platform. Megan has extensive experience from ecommerce and advertising and learned managing a presence on Amazon from scratch. By doing. She has seen the evolution of the platform and today advises merchants on how to get the most value out of the platform.
When we asked Megan, who she thought was winning on Amazon, she gave us this view:
Nich Weinheimer, Kenshoo
Nich Weinheimer is General Manager for Ecommerce at Kenshoo. He has extensive experience from venture backed startups and jumped on the Amazon bandwagon early on. He even went out to create his own brand to sell on Amazon and also created an advertising agency specialized in Amazon Ads.
We asked Nich Weinheimer who is winning on Amazon and he explained the competitive game of today:
Trish Carey, TC Max Marketing
Trish Carey is the founder of TC Max Marketing, an agency for SMBs specialized in ecommerce marketing. She has experience as the marketing director for Selling Engine, a suite of Amazon marketing tools.
Trish told us that 3rd party sellers, or 3Ps in Amazon marketing jargon, seem to be winning and provided a little warning.
Tanner Schroeder, Hanapin Marketing
Tanner Schroeder is the Amazon Advertising specialist at Hanapin Marketing, a digital marketing agency and also the editor of the PPC Hero blog and the Heroconf conference. Tanner has contributed with invaluable input to this report, including an outline for his preferred advertising strategy on Amazon.
When we asked Tanner, who is winning on Amazon, he shared a different angle:
Evan Facinger, Foremost Media
Evan Facinger is the Director of Sales and Marketing for Foremost Media with a speciality in Amazon optimization of both organic and paid approaches. He has a wide experience from all aspects of marketing on the Amazon platform.
When asked Evan, who is winning on Amazon, the answer was simple.
Adam Palczewski, Philips
Adam Palczewski works on Digital Marketing, Retail Media and E-commerce at the global level for Philips and has expert knowledge of most aspects of digital marketing. He is leading the global ecommerce advertising & media strategy, driving revenue through media channels and has worked for 4 years on the relationship with Amazon.
Adam shared his view on how to succeed with Amazon:
How can you get your hands on this report?
The report is available for purchase here at a price of 250€. Howevevr, some of our partners are providing the report for free if you register with them.
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